エンタメ 発達障害
(C)Foulala Productions
(C)Foulala Productions
──What inspired you to create 'BEE and the Spectrum of Misunderstanding', and how did you develop its unique concept?
Before i have met Eléa, I have heard a lot about her. One evening, my friend Hugo, who was leading a music workshop at the ISA (Specialized Autism Institute) at the time, informed me over a drink: " I have met an extraordinary young girl at the ISA institute, and I have to make you listen what we recorded together; you will want to make a documentary." Just a minute after the first listen to her piece "The Spectrum of Misunderstanding," we were already planning a meeting with Eléa. After our initial meeting, it became evident to me that her unconventional journey and extraordinary determination would make an excellent subject.
「エレアに会う前から彼女のことはよく聞き及んでいました。ある晩に飲みの席で、当時ISA(ニューカレドニア自閉症専門研究所)で音楽ワークショップを開いていた友人のユーゴが「私たちが録音したものを聞いてください。ドキュメンタリーが作りたくなる筈です」と言ってきたんです。エレアの『The Spectrum of Misunderstanding』を初めて聴いて、わずか1分後には彼女とのミーティングを計画していました。初めて会うと、彼女の型破りな旅と並外れた決意が素晴らしい題材になるであろうことが分かりました」
──The film incorporates various cultural elements, including Japanese manga. How were these chosen and depicted?
Like many individuals with an autistic syndrome, Eléa have what we called "restricted interests," which could be described as passions that can border to an obsession. The colors, the materials, the mangas like My hero academia (her favorite), the music, even the color grading, the entire cultural, visual, graphic and sound universe is directly inspired by Eléa’s “restricted interests”.Eléa opened the doors to her universe for us, and with respect, we tried to adopt some of the codes to shape our film. The manga My Hero Academia was particularly significant for both of us and Eléa because.
It is through this manga that Eléa discovered that she was autistic. She noticed that the character Froppy had the same posture as her; Eléa and Froppy share a similar way of positioning their arms. She conducted research online, and some of My Hero Academia fans hypothesized that Froppy might be autistic. This discovery set Eléa on the path to diagnosis.
──What is the central message of 'BEE and the Spectrum of Misunderstanding', and who do you hope it resonates with the most?
What touched me about Eléa and her writings is that beyond autism, she also spoke about us, the neurotypical individuals. She talked about the violence of social adaptation, the conventions that constrain us, and ultimately the anxieties that, increase in her case, lie deep within each of us. Beyond the anxieties and misunderstandings, I sensed in her a strong yearning for freedom. What I love about documentaries is that the stories of some, through unexpected resonances, can expand the realm of possibilities for others. I would like everyone, according to their sensitivity, to see themselves in one of Eléa's facets. If this film can help some individuals who are not yet diagnosed find their way, that's great, but I hope it can bring a bit of light to everyone.
(C)Foulala Productions
──How were the symptoms of autism portrayed with respect and authenticity? Additionally, what kind of individuals or organizations were involved in the making of this aspect of the film?
The ISA (Specialized Autism Institute of New Caledonia) has been a great help; the educators supported us in our work. The ISA opened their doors to us and facilitated these extraordinary encounters. We researched extensively about autism, but when we started filming, we approached it with the assumption that we knew nothing. We tried never to rush Eléa. There were many filming days where we didn't even take the camera out; we took the time to get to know each other.
We took time to understand Eléa's subtle emotions, when she needed to be alone, to rest, and when she was comfortable with someone or not. I think it worked because today, beyond the film, we all consider ourselves friends. Today, for the first time in her life, Eléa is going on a trip without her parents, to come to Okinawa with us. This makes us particularly happy; it's a real challenge for her, and we will do our best to support her.
──People with autism are cast in the film. What do you think is the significance of having individuals with autism themselves participate in the production? Additionally, what insights have you gained from this experience?
In the film, you can see young autistic individuals participating in Hugo's workshops. Most of these young people are non-verbal. It was important for Eléa and for us that these individuals appear in the documentary. The autistic spectrum is very broad; Eléa is autistic, but with effort, she is gaining a certain level of autonomy. However, for most of these non-verbal youths, they will need assistance throughout their lives. This is a significant issue in New Caledonia. The ISA is the only institute in the country, the spaces are limited, the waiting list is long, and the maximum age is 21. There is no institute for adults, so what will happen to these young autistic individuals? I became aware that in New Caledonia, we still have a long way to go.